Hot off the presses….Just In! ….As determined by our own government….We are ALL too STUPID to determine what type of lighting is best for our homes….Man, are we getting dumb…I’m surprised we can still walk….

One Response to “Hot off the presses….Just In! ….As determined by our own government….We are ALL too STUPID to determine what type of lighting is best for our homes….Man, are we getting dumb…I’m surprised we can still walk….”

  1. blindmelon Says:

    Yes this is a joke…But, it’s on us….Stock up on light bulbs now…They’re takin’ ’em
    off the shelves in a year or so… Bit by bit, do gooders are turning this country into
    a land of mental infants…Turning us into world citizens….One world government of
    pea brains running us sheep off the cliff.. Let me just say this…cowardice is rewarded
    with enslavement…………..Got It?

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