Month: June 2013
Hey wait! Stop!…I need some photos of your excellent Chopper…
Not bad for an old Kun nuckle Head…
The kicker pedal will get the bike started but is NOT mechanically connected to the engine…
Why yes, it IS, ‘lectric start……..And the kick pedal makes the solenoid and starter motor work..
Whizzer……….NOT!….It’s just a bicycle with an engine kit..Notice the hand clutch and 2 stroke engine.
Happy Fathers Day, Kerry Tooley………
Happy Fathers Day to Tom the Atom Bomb!
Two weeks……….Get Ready……….
This guy is cool without even trying……….And yeah, that’s his VLH……….
Did ya notice the Crocker taillight, tool box and fenders?
George Hood (714) 638 9434. The Professor of Motorcycology.
Harley Davidson, JD, VL, WL, Indian, & Early American motorcycles.
Engine work, transmission, Frame work, repairs, ground up restorations.