Month: February 2009
Nice Indian Bob-Job.
Is that my glove?
Clean, Green, Chief. Everybody wants one…….
Vanilla of the Deadbeats Band!
Betty’s Drummer, He does his own drum work
Bastards do their own engine work. Crude is as crude does. Careful work with hand tools can produce bikes that run like a Bastard!!!!!!!!!!! What, you’re surprised?
That’s the way we hone the cylinder! Hang the drill on a spring. Hone is in coffee can of honing juice.
Spring is coming, time to freshen up.
Green Ella with her guts on the floor, disgusting!
Nice Indian Mike.
Cold Day, High Desert
Ooohh, Willys Yard Art
The sun is out, yay!
Bastards, on your bikes.
Attitude or What!
Slightly used Willys for sale.
The Black Paw MC, again!
Posers? Bastards? Naw, you know who they are. Sorry for the photo quality. If UGenius will ever get me the rest of the pictures, I’ll make sure they are enlarged so you can get a real good look. These photos are a little over 70 years old.
At the beach, weather is warm. Much easier than the damn snow below! Black Paw MC. You get to guess the year.
Too cold for me brother! Hardy souls @ Mount Wilson. Can you guess the year? And who are this brave bikers? The Black Paws? They were tough.