Here’s wishing each and every

one of ya had a safe and joyful

4th of July………….

It’s our county’s birthday! Yeah!

Unsafe and insane sparklers were

used again this year.  No arrests

and just a few minor burns…

Regarding the latest attack on Mel Gibson by the media……He’s just an actor…What he says in private, after being provoked is important???….Well, I guess because he is a NON minority, it’s OK to just lynch him……(I think NOT!) We admire his outlaw language. If ya don’t like that…find a pole and urinate up it all you gossip mongers. We got bigger fish to fry, than to get our panties in a bunch over Mel’s outbursts. We are sick of California and most of the US being controlled by a bunch of Commie, politically correct, yuppie, spoiled, ass clowns…Contact us if you want the list…It is HUGE!..