According to our current policy makers, it is legal, but not OK to burn a Quran. Even
as a political sign of protest… Well they have said nothing of pissing on this book.
Who will be the first to make a video of a few Americans standing around a 5 gallon pail
and pissing into it??? Of course, the pail will be full of Qurans. We could even be
chanting…Death to Osama, Death to Osama….
They attacked us and regular Americans are just to forgive and forget???? I THINK NOT..
According to our current policy makers, it is legal, but not OK to burn a Quran. Even
as a political sign of protest… Well they have said nothing of pissing on this book.
Who will be the first to make a video of a few Americans standing around a 5 gallon pail
and pissing into it??? Of course, the pail will be full of Qurans. We could even be
chanting…Death to Osama, Death to Osama….
They attacked us and regular Americans are just to forgive and forget???? I THINK NOT..