Month: April 2018
Phantom BMW………….
Red Panhead……..
Indian Chief…………
Panhead and VL………
Our friend Vonnie in the poppies..
Top of the Ridge Route, Sandberg.. CA.
Poppy Run, 10 years ago……..
Not sure of this one.. Royal Enfield possibly…….
We’ve posted this one before… It’s just so perfect…….It’sa Pan, Man!
Change the front sheet metal and I’m totally in…………….
When everything comes together……Life is good………from LIFE magazine..
Nice little one lunger……….
Typical gas stop on any run…….4 cylinder choppers
We received a nice note today from our pal Stanley, yup that’s him stylin’ on his ’36…….
What a lovely start to Friday……………………The 13th..