Month: May 2016
Friday, we installed the S&S carb on the VL..It ran but had a stumble when transitioning to mid range.. We removed the carb and changed the main and intermediate jets.. We also heli coiled the threads in the A/C adapter plate and added a stand alone enrichener off a “B” carb..
After turning off the accelerator pump and adjusting the mixture and idle screws, the stumble is GONE!…And a wee bit more top end power has revealed itself..
There ya go…Keihin is gone and S&S is on and working…
And the mind drifts to the ancient struggle @ the IOM..
Mothers Day is on the way…Ya better take care of this guys…
Our repair and upgrade of the VL is on track.. We got the tanks redone before the rain came..And it’s almost ready for road test of the new/bigger carburetor.. The clutch hub bearing still needs to be replaced and the S&S will get the enrichener changed to the B type..
Upgrading to an S&S carb will increase flow on our VL stroker upgrade.
Aluminum plate on a/c side of carb was fabricated to allow the round Keihin air cleaner.
Carb adapter was opened up inside to match the increased size of the S&S.
Oops, Carb adapter and brace assembled upside down.
OK, VL tanks are patched (Krylon) and new clear coat will protect them (Clear Urethane w/hardener)
A message and photos from Mike Palrang from the Yerba Buena Chapter of the AMCA..
I thought you might find it interesting that Victor has finally worn out his 1914 Harley. He has crossed the U.S. three times, ridden it from Dodge City, Kansas to the San Francisco Bay Area and had many, many local rides and Tours. He hasn’t really worn it out!! It is just getting rebuilt for the 2016 Cannonball. Here is a picture from the Tour he organizes in King City from 28-30 April 2016. He rode the ’16 Harley he is pictured with on the Tour this year. I am attaching another picture taken at the top of Mt. Hamilton on one of his many local rides. And another picture of him with his ’14 Harley on his King City Tour from 2013.
Thanks for all the work you do to post interesting pictures of bikes, hot rods and women. I check your website most every day to see what is going on. Uncredited quote “I spent most of my money on Bikes, Booze and Broads. The rest I just WASTED.”
Thanks again, Mike Palrang

Sportster, VL and Knuck…….