Presidential Primaries, USA….

After extended meetings, the Executive Board of the Lucky Bastards

Motorcycle Club has decided to endorse the 1st candidate to declare

he or she will rid the world of Vampires and Zombies…   We have

all suffered in silence for far too long……..Now, who will step up

in the quest for a gentler, kinder world free of these pesky parasites?

Published by

Blind Melony

Back on the saddle.

One thought on “Presidential Primaries, USA….”

  1. Vampires and Zombies = Dems and Repubs…
    They’ve both been having sex with blue collar Americans for
    WAY too long….Throw ALL the bums out and make the new
    crop live like the rest of us…They gave us Obama Care
    and Middle East wars…..Let’s require them to have the
    dang insurance and have their sons and daughters serve
    in the military…Good for the goose, good for the gander!

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